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Crystallyze Love

Embrace Natural Flow - Activate Cosmic Glow

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Crystallyze Love

Embrace Natural Flow - Activate Cosmic Glow

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Crystal Dascomb is an Intuitive Guide & Advocate for ‘self-love’, ‘soul-care’ and ‘embracing your own evolution’ delivering this through her Human Design, Astrocartography infused with Astrology, Numerology and Intuitive Card Readings Sessions. She calls this diving deep into your “Soul Blueprints”! She offers Family Readings as well, but she’s best known for her “Cosmic Blend Sessions” which combines all her unique readings into one session “blending them together” and offers a multi-faceted experience.

In 2018, her long 7-year battle with infertility ended when she first experienced energy work. It was her big realization and breakthrough moment to energetically heal deeply-rooted emotional wounds plus intuitively trust, accept and love her body again. Five months later, her dream of motherhood became a reality. She was finally pregnant and now Charlotte is here! Today, Crystal feels the actual birth of her daughter fully activated her intuition and created her calling to help others through this work.

She took a deep dive in studying ‘Human Design’ and these additional modalities, which elevated her life’s purpose, validated her unique talents and ultimately gave her the courage to leave her 15-year corporate career. But more importantly, it has enhanced the relationship with herself, her husband and loved ones plus deepened her understanding of how-to best raise her daughter. Crystal believes our children are here to intuitively “teach us” and this has inspired her work to also focus on children, family dynamics and women struggling with pregnancy.

Crystal’s guidance will help you in truly embodying self love, soul alignment, intuition activation, overall wellness and gaining a better understanding of your child, partner or people in your life.

With the awareness of your Soul Blueprints & Intuitive Consciousness, she hopes you can genuinely use these tools as the new “direction” or “paradigm shift” to self-discovery, emotional healing, parenting, relationships, illuminating your life purpose and authentically living the best version of yourself everyday. 

Fully loving and embracing YOU and your evolution!

By definition, crystallize means “to make more definite or clear, to evolve, accept the imperfections  or allow imperfections to sparkle”…

By definition, crystallize means “to make more definite or clear, to evolve, accept the imperfections  or allow imperfections to sparkle”… When something sparkles, it means ‘Shining brightly with flashes of light’! By giving yourself SELF LOVE & CARE, you allow yourself to heal, accept your imperfections and then find, clarify, or re-spark [crystallyze] the light that has always been shining & flashing within you! YOUR EVOLUTION BEGINS and you can fully EMBRACE THAT! I also spelled the business name ‘Crystallyze’ because I’m simply sharing how I seek and view the World, Life, Parenting and LOVE through my eyes “Crystal’s eyes” and how I found my way to My little LOVE – CHARLOTTE – the light that was always loving and sparkling within my soul…

Thank you in advance I can’t wait to meet you!!!

Love Always,


1. We all have Trauma – and that’s OKAY!

2. Make room for UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

3. Embrace your EVOLUTION.

Embrace Natural Flow, Activate Cosmic Glow

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