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Crystallyze Love

Embrace Natural Flow - Activate Cosmic Glow

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Crystallyze Love

Embrace Natural Flow - Activate Cosmic Glow

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I’m now an Instructor with the Universal Movement Network!

I’ll be sharing soon what Masterclass I’ll be teaching through the UM network! Check out more information through the links below

NEW! In-Person ‘Cartomancy’ Intuitive Card Readings at Nouvelle Collective – San Diego

Excited to announce I’ll be at the Nouvelle Collective Spa once a month to offer In-Person ‘Cartomancy’ Card Readings!

Although I enjoy meeting so many online, there is something a little more magical to meet in-person and I can’t wait to connect with you!

New dates announced soon

An Intuitive Card Reading is a divinely-lead card reading using an ordinary deck of playing cards to share/relay a message that can guide you through answering questions you have for the current events in your life. Also known as “Cartomancy” and dating back to the 18th century, it was the first form of card readings and where ‘Tarot’ or other card readings derived from!

Throughout the reading, we can intuitively and energetically connect to your spirit guides, guardian angels or spiritual protectors (who are potentially past loved ones). Often times certain visions, images, or shapes can come to mind that will support the messaging. We may be able to see possibilities of the future, but remember we all have free will and make our own decisions. The future is not set in stone, so hopefully you leave feeling supported, understood or at peace with guided next steps to to take after the reading.

15 Minutes Card Reading



Perfect for that 1 Burning Question in life right now! Or a nice add-on before or after your facial with Juli!

35 Minutes Card Reading



Ideal if it’s your first time getting a reading or you have a few things happening in life & need guidance on 2-3 things!

55 Minutes Card Reading



BEST if you don’t have any specific questions OR have so many you can’t decide! We let the cards freely flow for guidance.

POP-UP SHOP available at Nouvelle Collective too!

If you’re looking for your first or a new Oracle Card Deck OR need some new Essential Oils (learn about my favs), come check out the Pop-Up Shop that will be available during my office hours at Nouvelle. I might also have a small selection of crystals! Pop-Up only available during my scheduled time there, so come stop by.. no need an appointment to shop!

Past Masterclasses… Stay tuned for when they’re offered again!

LIVE ONLINE – FREE MASTERCLASS – “Understanding your Child’s Communication Style” – thru the lens of Human Design & Astrology

MONDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 2023 – 6:00PM PST

In this online Master Class, you will gain a basic understanding of your Child(ren)’s Communication style thru the lens of Human Design & Astrology – it’s my signature expertise that I call the “Cosmic Blend”. BUT, I’m pretty sure you’ll also find it so supportive for YOU to help nurture your own “inner child” and how this applies to your own self love & care. When you can understand (heal) things within you much more, your parenting evolves and your child does too!

YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A PARENT to enjoy this class. I’m sure there are plenty of children in your life (as a grandparent, godparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc.) in which you all benefit from this!


Online Cosmic Blend Masterclass

Thursday, October 26th, 2023 – 6:30PM PST

I often call her “Mama” Moon and she loves to communicate with us!! So let’s find time to chat with her!

Feeling stuck or it seems certain times of the month feel more challenging for you or your household?

Learn how your Moon Phase & Moon Placements in your Human Design & Astrology charts affect & support the energy + emotional well-being of you & your family.

  1. Figure out the moon phase you were born under + all the members in your family and how this influences the way you move through life
  2. Overview of Astrology Moon Signs – how you or your child/spouse differ & feel emotionally fed
  3. What your Moon Gate means in Human Design and how it plays out for you!
  4. What the full moon & eclipses mean for overall energy for the collective

SO much to unpack and excited to share it in a quick & bite-size way to understand it all!!

Introductory Price: $30

Intuitive Card Reading aka ‘Cartomancy’ Masterclass

at Nouvelle Collective

14231 Garden Road Suite 12
POWAY, CA 92064

Friday, November 3rd, 2023 – 6pm-8pm

Excited to teach this class in person & for the first time at Nouvelle Collective!!!

Also known as Cartomancy – Learn how to do the original form of card reading with a regular deck of playing cards and how it can support your every day life plus expand your intuition!

NEWBIES & Beginners welcome! You do not need any prior knowledge/experience with card reading for this class. This is not a Tarot Card Reading class.. (although Tarot was derived from Cartomancy), so you don’t need any other kind of deck except a traditional playing cards deck.

It will be a relaxing and fun environment with a space full of like-minded folks learning along with you. After learning the basics, we’ll partner up and do live readings with each other.

This class will be held at Nouvelle Collective Studio and every participant will receive a NEW Deck of Playing Cards & a Selenite (cleansing) stone!

Light Refreshments, Water and Wine will be served!!

POP-UP SHOP! – Essential Oils bar will be available for you to smell so many of my favorites and purchase if you like. I will also have a selection of Oracle CardsDecks to purchase too! If you’ve always wanted to get a deck but haven’t found one or know where to get one, it’s a perfect night to come down and find one!

SPACE IS VERY LIMITED for this event so register as soon as possible!!

See you there!

Introductory Price – $40

Embrace Natural Flow, Activate Cosmic Glow

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