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Crystallyze Love

Embrace Natural Flow - Activate Cosmic Glow

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Crystallyze Love

Embrace Natural Flow - Activate Cosmic Glow

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Hi Friends! I’m Crystal, PROUD NEW MOMMY to my daughter Charlotte Annalia and have been married to my Prince Charming, Andy, for 8 years now. A true SoCal girl, born and raised in San Diego with humble beginnings… I come from a HUGE CULTURAL and FUN family, doing all things Filipino, Irish, Mexican and All-American!  Dance was one of my passions growing up and even became a professional Hula Dancer during my college years! I’m a Cal State Northridge alumni in Journalism PR and had a 15 year career working in promotional & guerilla Marketing! Traveled to different places across the US working with some of the biggest brands, specifically my favorite – Disney!! 

I count my blessings everyday but it was not always that pretty…. There was one dream I had and it was ‘TO BE A MOM’. That love and bond is what I was missing and dreamt of for a very long time even at a young age. Little did I know, it was not going to be simple for me – 7 years to be exact. Infertility is REAL and affects more people in this world then we even realize. After several years of trying and failing, I was diagnosed with endometriosis and ‘blocked tubes’ and then presented the option to try IVF. I had no idea how hard that was going to be too!  There was definitely physical pain (crazy amounts of blood draws, injections and procedures), but nothing prepared me for the emotional pain of the failed attempts and miscarriages I had during the process. WELL, GUESS WHAT EVERYBODY, IT WAS ALL WORTH THE WAIT – I overcame those really crazy, difficult and heart-breaking moments and achieved MY DREAM FINALLY on August 28, 2019 when my miracle ‘rainbow’ baby girl “Charlotte Annalia” came into this world!!  

What did I learn in all of this and how did I do it?! Definitely not by a magic pill, procedure or diet!! AND NO, I don’t feel it was by Luck either! It was to be OPEN to things I never thought could help and deep core belief of “acceptance, surrender and trust” that God and the Universe would provide in DIVINE TIMING…. 

UGLY TRUTH: I WAS TOO BUSY worrying about everything that could go wrong and helping everyone else in my life, that THERE WAS NO ROOM LEFT INSIDE OF ME FOR A BABY.

I WAS BROKEN for a long time, but SELF REFLECTION, SELF LOVE and INTERNAL GROWTH showed me my UGLY TRUTH: I WAS TOO BUSY worrying about everything that could go wrong and helping everyone else in my life, that THERE WAS NO ROOM LEFT INSIDE OF ME FOR A BABY. It started with using essential oils in 2015 and then a Reiki session in 2018 that pivoted my mindset and helped me figure out how to heal my own wounds. If you could look at an internal mirror and see everything going on INSIDE of you – Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally and Physically would you be happy with what you see or would you even want to look?  

I know for me, I was hesitant and borderline afraid to take a loonnnng look….Damn, it was hard, like curled up in a ball on your bed crying your eyes out for days on end and nothing anyone said would make you feel better– type hard. But my long months/years of ‘inner intuitive work’ and experiencing as many ‘self care’ modalities that I could do, literally CHANGED my life forcing me to FINALLY ACCEPT and LOVE MY situation, MY heart-breaks and MY body as the way out of my misery! I was not going to GIVE UP… I needed to RE-SPARK my SOUL’S LIGHT to show me the way of INTUITIVELY HEALING and MAKING ROOM FOR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OF SELF. 

Charlotte (with her sweet & cheeky smile) is my living proof that it works! This process has helped me bring out the BEST VERSION OF ME AND EMBRACE MY EVOLUTION! My journey through infertility, the years of healing I endured and specifically learning about so many amazing tools & modalities I used for personal growth is what inspired me to write this blog. 

PLUS, I really believe after giving birth to Charlotte, something else opened up inside of me and my intuition has increased more than I ever thought it could!! I’ve taken a deep dive into more fun things and discovered my love for HUMAN DESIGN, ASTROLOGY, ASTROCARTOGRAPHY, NUMEROLOGY and then trained to do INTUITIVE & ENERGY Card Readings with just a regular deck of playing cards! So FUN!!!

This brings me to today, where I really want to Support YOU on this journey of diving deep and cosmically learning the true essence of you, becoming more aligned with your soul and presenting the best version of you everyday with Human Design, Astrology and all the energy work in-between! It starts with understanding and unconditionally loving yourself first before offering love to anything or anyone else! I’m also deeply passionate about understanding your own relationships and people around you at a much deeper level with INTUITIVE CONSCIOUS PARENTING & PARTNERING!

By definition, crystallize means “to make more definite or clear, to evolve, accept the imperfections  or allow imperfections to sparkle”… When something sparkles, it means ‘Shining brightly with flashes of light’! By giving yourself SELF LOVE & CARE, you allow yourself to heal, accept your imperfections and then find, clarify, or re-spark [crystallyze] the light that has always been shining & flashing within you! YOUR EVOLUTION BEGINS and you can fully EMBRACE THAT! I also spelled the blog ‘Crystallyze’ because I’m simply sharing how I seek and view the World, Life, Parenting and LOVE through my eyes “Crystal’s eyes” and how I found my way to My little LOVE- CHARLOTTE – the light that was always loving and sparkling within my soul…

I pray that telling my story will bring HOPE to someone out there, especially in times where you feel like it’s lost forever OR you just don’t know where to start (or start again).  Please allow me to share my experience  with this Collective of “goodies” and the tribe of people I have ready to help you! OH AND CHARLOTTE and I WILL BE MATCHING, A LOT. She’s my mini-me and I want to cherish all these little moments that she’ll still let me dress like her 😊

The MORAL of my story is – LOVE is what got me to where I am today – the HAPPIEST I HAVE EVER BEEN. Love for yourself. Love for God, the Divine or the Universe. Love for your Body. Love for others. Love in the process. Love in ‘trying something new’. Loving being open for change. Love in the unknown and especially learning to Love the hard times is what will gift you the success of living ‘your dream’ and being the best crystallyzed version of YOU. 

1. We all have Trauma – and that’s OKAY!

2. It’s time to ‘make room’ for UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

3. Embrace your EVOLUTION & Become your most Soul-Aligned best version of YOU.

Thank you in advance for reading on and sticking around! I can’t wait to meet you! Let’s get you going on this much needed NEW paradigm way of Self Love, Soul Care, deeper understanding of your Relationships & Parenting!

Embrace Natural Flow, Activate Cosmic Glow

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